
 Monday, October 28th


8:00 am

Opening Keynote: My Journey From Poultry Scientist to Company President

Presenter: Marc de Beer, President, Aviagen North America

Marc de Beer is a poultry scientist at heart. After earning his PhD in Animal Nutrition from the University of Arkansas, he joined Aviagen as a nutritionist in 2007, and later became Global Head of Nutrition. In 2011, he joined DSM Nutritional Products, serving in various leadership positions. He joined Elanco Animal Health in 2016, serving in increasingly complex leadership roles, culminating with being named Senior Vice President of Food Animal and Global Nutritional Health. In 2020 he returned to Aviagen as President of the North American business, leading one of the top poultry genetics companies in the world.

8:45 am

Tips for a Successful Career In Poultry Science
A panel discussion featuring perspectives from longtime PSA industry, research, and extension professionals.

9:30 am

How to Develop and Maintain Successful Industry/University Collaborations
Partnerships and collaboration are the lifeblood of scientific progress. A panel of successful PSA professional members will share their secrets to cultivating successful industry/university partnerships and how you can learn from their experience.

11:00 am

Deep Dive Breakout: Conflict Management for Managers, Supervisors, and Team Leaders

Conflict is a part of our daily lives at work or at home. How we manage conflict has a direct impact on how fulfilled we feel about our work, the quality of work, and the quality of work from our respective teams or units.  Effectively dealing with and using conflict as a positive tool is a major component of success in current or future leadership roles.

Presenter: Jeff King, Ph.D. OSU Leadership Center 

11:00 am

Deep Dive Breakout: Navigating Promotion & Tenure for Faculty

Few things induce as much anxiety among faculty members as navigating the winding path of tenure and promotion. A panel of longtime faculty members and highly-regarded university administrators will share their insights from mentoring dozens of colleagues through the process, with perspectives presented on teaching, research, and extension.

Presenters: Dave Caldwell, University of Arkansas, Brian Fairchild, University of Georgia


1:00 pm

Deep Dive Breakout: Speaking with News Media and How to Earn Coverage

Working with media can seem intimidating, but when approached with the right mindset and strategies, can really elevate your success as a professional scientist. Longtime meat industry communications and PR leader Janet Riley will share the secrets to successful media relations and how to earn coverage for your company or research program.

Presenter: Janet Riley, Janet Riley Strategies, followed by a panel discussion with poultry and feed industry journalists.

1:00 pm

Deep Dive Breakout: Incorporating New Technologies Into the Classroom

3:00 pm

Communicating with Different Generations

We have as many as five generations active in the modern workforce. Our generations and the gaps that separate them are in constant flux, what worked last year probably won’t work today. Anybody still using their VCR? What seemed like a perfect solution yesterday is the source of tomorrow’s problem. You really need to get all those home movies put on disc! … Wait! I mean Digital Storage. Oh No! I mean The Cloud!

The potential for collision, conflict and confusion between the generations has never been greater and the chasm is growing wider every day we ignore the problem.

Presenter: Generational expert Meagan Johnson

4:00 pm

Emotional Intelligence: Tapping Into Your Greater Leadership Potential

Emotional intelligence addresses the emotional, personal, social, and survival dimensions of intelligence, which are often more important for daily functioning than the more traditional IQ.  Emotional intelligence (EQ) is concerned with understanding oneself and others, relating to people, and adapting to and coping with the immediate surroundings to be more successful in dealing with environmental demands.  EQ helps to predict success because it reflects how a person applies knowledge to the immediate situation.  In a way, EQ measures one's "common sense" and the ability to get along in the world. 

Presenter: Jeff King, Ph.D., OSU Leadership Center 

5:30 pm

Networking Reception 

Cap off a great day with your fellow professionals for an hour of networking, heavy hors d'oeuvres, and tasty beverages. Networking is critical to professional development and career success, so take advantage of the opportunity to mix and mingle with other PSA members and build some new relationships.

 Tuesday, October 29th


8:00 am

Morning Keynote: The Joys of Stress

One of the world’s greatest experts on stress, Hans Selye said, “It’s not stress that kills us, it is our reaction to it.“

This keynote address is all about changing the way we think about the stress in our lives.  David’s approach is learning how to laugh a little more at ourselves and our mistakes.  It’s understanding that stress is not the ogre we’ve made it out to be, and in fact, can and should be a positive force in our lives. It’s not easy controlling the external things that happen, but we are the masters of how we control what happens within.

Presenter: Dave Okerlund, award-winning speaker

8:30 am

Mentoring and Coaching in the Poultry Industry

9:30 am

How to Develop a Successful Innovation Program in the Poultry Industry

11:00 am

Deep Dive Breakout Session: Storytelling 101: Communicating Scientific Topics

11:00 am

Deep Dive Breakout: How to Get Published: A Chat with the Editors In Chief

Here's your chance to learn more about what journal editors are thinking when they review your manuscript, and the ways you can put yourself in the best possible position to get published. Bring your questions and learn directly from the experts.

Presenter: Mike Kogut, Editor in Chief of Poultry Science, Brian Fairchild, Editor In Chief, the Journal of Applied Poultry Research


1:00 pm

Deep Dive Breakout: Mastering Change in the Workplace

“Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” ~ George Bernard Shaw

In this session, longtime speaker David Okerlund will help you become better prepared to dance with all the change and chaos in the modern workplace and market space today. Confront your reluctance to change and learn to understand the critical difference between change and transitions. Dave will help you learn to chose a proactive approach instead of a reactive stance when it comes to change.

Presenter: Dave Okerlund, Award-winning speaker

1:00 pm

Deep Dive Breakout: Scholarship of Teaching & Learning

3:00 pm

Closing Keynote: Putting it all Together, 10 Steps to Career Success!

What is it that separates a mediocre company or organization from a great one? What separates an average salesperson from a top performer? What makes one manager bring out the best in their employees while another struggles to keep their team on task? In this keynote, world-champion powerlifter Rick Metzger shares 10 steps to greater professional success.

Presenter: Rick Metzger, motivational speaker and world champion powerlifter